Shutting Down to Build Up

Unwrapping my identity from work.

Career / Paul / 10.30.2023

Photo by Lucas Pezeta,

Deciding to close down a business reveals a lot about purpose and identity. I didn’t realize how much my identity was wrapped up in it. It’s bitter-sweet for sure, especially in your late 50s. However, this decision has positive outcomes that may be overlooked by those who haven’t been through it.

In school, we are often taught to do our own work and avoid making mistakes. But when you become the founder and leader of a business, you quickly learn that life is a team sport and that the most impactful learning happens when things don’t go as planned. When I am open to learning, there is no such thing as failure, only feedback.

I’ve listened to really talented people describe work as an extension of themselves, but not something that defines them. Their work and the people they interact with shape them, but their identity and fulfillment exist separately. It’s a good reminder that I am more than my work.

It’s part of being resilient through change.

What about you?
Have you shut down or moved on from something you started?
How do you view it now, looking back?
Are you going through it now?

Let’s start a conversation.

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