Finding Fulfillment in Work

Is your work, job, or career – you?

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It’s getting harder for students in high school and college to find a career path. Many wing-it, follow someone else’s opinion, or just go with the flow. People already working or between jobs feel it too, like me.

But what makes this so hard? Is looking for that one job or career to feed our identity and sense of meaning working? But we don’t have a clear idea of our own purpose and what drives us, that’s a moving target.

There’s a reason Simon Sinek asks, “What’s your why?” What gives you a reason to get out of bed and keep going when things fall apart? Even a simple, clear personal “why” is enough to narrow down future career or job options. Options that connect your purpose with skills and talents.

Following a clear “why” makes the job, and career become a reflection of you – an extension of who you are.. but it’s not you. Help define the people and work in that space, instead of letting it define you.

Sure, work can satisfy, but find fulfillment in work that reflects who you are and how you serve.

>> What do you think?
>> If work (or school) is life to someone, what’s a question they need to hear?

#career #purpose #SimonSinek #careercenter #startwithwhy

©Paul Berggren | 10.26.2023  |  Career Path, Mindset

Photo Credit: Pixabay

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