Ending is Part of Beginning

Going somewhere new means leaving things behind.

Mindset / Paul / Apr 2023

Photo: Unsplash

It sounds simple enough. Changing where I live means leaving this home and taking all my stuff with me. Well, not all my stuff.

I’m not moving my house, just part of my life.

Committing to a major change in life means facing all the obvious stuff AND everything in storage. With each move I’m amazed with how much junk I’ve clung to, how many good memories we made, and what is essential moving forward. My last household move triggered a major de-cluttering. But it wasn’t enough. I still ask the question, “Do I own my stuff, or does it own me?”  Life change feels very similar.

Change is life’s reset button. If this really is the beginning of something new, what do I have to leave behind in some way? Stuff, habits, hurts, hang-ups, mindsets, past success, people?

To enjoy the blessing of the new, I have to mentally and emotionally leave much of the old behind. Not everything, just the stuff I can’t honestly carry anymore. Real change and renewal for me is different now. It’s not hitching up the U-Haul and packing it all up.

Change now is more like filling a canoe with the basics to live and thrive, then pushing off from shore with paddle and map in hand.

Life is learning. Learning to let go and end, to begin something new.

What are you ending, or thinking about ending, so you can begin something new?

#change #changemanagement #renewal #learning #mindset #crownclarity

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