Mentor Learning

Mentoring + Learning + Leading

It’s easy to mix the idea of mentoring and coaching, thinking it’s just passing on wisdom and helping the less experienced problem-solve everyday life.  Coaching usually has positive intent, and is often more one-way.  That may be part of it, but with mentoring that’s not where the magic happens.


Who positively shaped you into the person you are today?  What set them apart from all the instructors or coaches you’ve met?  They did more listening than talking, asking questions to make you think, right?  That’s because they were learning about you, so you could learn the art of leading yourself and others. Our mentors go beyond showing how to “carry the torch” of leadership. They also come alongside to make more torches – through you!

So, what is Mentor Leading?

In the videos below, I lay out the basics of what I’ve learned and what I teach about leading people and how it’s different from managing process and stuff.  Those are important, but the deeper purpose, “the why” driving leaders is largely about developing adults to become leaders in their areas of expertise, unified around a shared, people-centered purpose.  And you’ll get to know me along the way.

A) Promo Video

Promo to the basic mindset and skill-set for mentor leadership, starting with a coaching mindset.
From a healthcare leader project. (2 min.)

B) Intro Mentor Leading WebClass

3 part short course in mentor leading with everyday activities to practice for new, emerging, or updating leaders:
• Positive Relationships
• People Centered Purpose
• Engaging Results
From a healthcare leader project. (25 min.)

C) 3 Essential Keys to Leading a Team: Online Course

Let’s bring some joy back to working in teams. We take you on a short journey into the 3 Essential Keys of Leading a Team: Positive Relationships, People-Centered Purpose & Collaborative Results.
(Free Preview of course)

D) 3 Steps to Engaging & Productive Leader Impact: WebClass (healthcare focus)

What do mentor leaders do differently from other kinds of leaders? Come explore:
• 7 Biggest Mistakes That Wear You Down
• The Single Key to Overcoming Workplace Drama and Resistance To Change
• Why Managing Like A Boss Is Slowly Killing Your Team
(39 min.)